How can I manage tags and add them to my emails?
Knowledge Base > FAQ's > How can I manage tags and add them to my emails?
By Mads Petersen on October 2, 2017

Like folders, tags is a way to separate and organize Emails. Tags are showing up as a colored reference in the subject line of the referenced Emails.

Tags can be reused across the Kolab components – Email, Notes and Tasks.

When a tag is associated with a number of Emails, these Emails can be listed by clicking the tag in the tag-cloud.
It is possible to select more than one tag using CTRL key. This way one can display messages associated with all selected tags.

Note that this functionality is not available to Lite account users.

The tag-cloud can be found under the folder list in the mail view. It is showing all available tags.

Tags can be created or added via the dropdown menu in the mail view. Rightclick on an Email in the list, and select “Mark -> Tag as..”.

Tags can be created and managed (their name and color can be modified) through the menu in the tag-cloud. The menu is opened by clicking the wheel in the bottom of the tag-cloud.

A tag which is no longer needed can be removed via the tag-cloud menu. This will remove the tag from the cloud and the references to the associated Emails. The Emails will however remain.

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