How do I share a calendar with another Kolab Now user?
Knowledge Base > FAQ's > How do I share a calendar with another Kolab Now user?
By Mads Petersen on October 9, 2017

As other Kolab elements, Calendars can be shared with other Kolab Now users within the same domain. E.g. john.doe@kolab.org can share his calendars with jane.doe@kolab.org – but not with james.doe@mykolab.com (different domain!). This can be done by following this procedure:

John wants to share his calendar “MySharedCalendar” with Jane. He highlights the specific calendar and click the little wheel in the buttom of the list of calendars in the calendar view. This gives him a menu, from which he select ” Edit.

In the “Edit Calendar Properties” window he select the “Sharing” tab and click the green “+”. He then fill in the email and level of access for Jane and “Save”.

The calendar is now shared with Jane.

If John wants to share the calendar with more Kolab Now users, he click the green “+” again and repeat the procedure.

Now Jane has an extra set of folders available in “Settings -> Folders” called “Other Users”, under which she finds “John.Doe / MySharedCalendar”. She check the checkbox to make sure that she is subscribed to the calendar folder.

When going back to the Calendar section, she now has John’s shared calendar (called “MySharedCalendar” available in her list, and she can see the events in her calendar.


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