Kolab Now is a paid service. At the end of of each month of Kolab Now consumption the owner’s account will receive a deduction to their balance, and if the account balance therefore turns negative, the user will also receive a notification.
If the account balance is not sufficiently topped up after 7 days, a second reminder about the negative balance will be sent.
If the account balance is not sufficiently topped up after 14 days, a third reminder, a notice and a warning is sent out (as one message) that the account will beĀ degraded.
If the account balance remains insufficient even after 21 days, another warning message is sent out. The user is now unable to use full Kolab Now services except for login to the cockpit to pay the account and read email.
Please note that regardless of your account balance, all subscriptions continue to be billed to the account.
About Degraded accounts
With a degraded account:
- The user is prevented from sending out email.
- The size of the account quota is limited to 5 GB.
- The user can no longer login to IMAP, POP, SMTP, ActiveSync, CalDAV, CardDAV or WebDAV
The User can still login to the webclient to read emails and to the cockpit to make payments bringing the account balance up above 0.-
New, incoming emails will arrive and be delivered to the inbox (for as long as the quota allows).
When a payment is made, and the account balance is brought back above 0.- the system will automatically re-activate the account and reinstate all features as they were before being degraded. This can take a while – sometimes up to 24 hours. If you made a payment and your account has not been re-activated after 24 hours, then please contact Support.