Why can I not send email?
Knowledge Base > FAQ's > Why can I not send email?
By Jeroen van Meeuwen on September 16, 2017

Please verify your account is not suspended. Account owners can verify their account status using the Kolab Now dashboard. Users will need to contact their account owner.

Kolab Now uses various anti-spam measures that block consumer Internet lines and server systems with bad reputations from submitting email to Kolab Now customers. These restrictions are applied on the inbound SMTP servers used by third parties to deliver email messages to our users, but not the SMTP servers our users use to submit email messages.

You may have used the wrong configuration for your client application. Please ensure that you are using the following settings for your client:

SMTP Settings with STARTTLS

Setting Name Value
Server Address smtp.kolabnow.com
Port Number 587
SSL/TLS (aka. Encryption or Security) STARTTLS
Authentication Automatic or Normal Password
Username Your Primary Email Address

SMTP Settings with implicit TLS

Setting Name Value
Server Address smtp.kolabnow.com
Port Number 465
SSL/TLS (aka. Encryption or Security) SSL/TLS
Authentication Automatic or Normal Password
Username Your Primary Email Address

Please note, that you should authenticate with your primary email address and the password for your account, but you have to connect to the server: smtp.kolabnow.com – even when your primary email address is not @kolabnow.com, but e.g. @myprivatedomain.org.

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