What is the price for a Kolab Now Subscription?
Knowledge Base > FAQ's > What is the price for a Kolab Now Subscription?
By Mads Petersen on January 23, 2020

Kolab Now offers a variety of different types of subscriptions. The price for a subscription depends a lot on which type of subscription is requested. Prices can be found below this.

All Kolab Now accounts are free for the first month. 
Prices for Kolab Now subscriptions (pr user):
     User Mailbox (Incl. 5 GB storage): 5.00 CHF/month
     Groupware features: 4.90 CHF/month
     Add-on for ActiveSync: Free
     Added storage (pr 1 GB): 0.25 CHF/month
     Shared folder 1.00 CHF/month
     Distribution list 1.00 CHF/month
     Extra domain (pr. domain – first domain is free) 0.50 CHF/month

Please contact Support with any questions or concerns in this context.
