Why Kolab Now Is the right thing for you!
Knowledge Base > Documentation > Why Kolab Now Is the right thing for you!
By Lioba Leickel on June 28, 2024

Do You care about privacy? Is your data safe from commercial exploitation? Are you waging your right to privacy?

We, at Kolab Now, have set our focus exactly on those themes, and have developed an e-mail & groupware solution  that makes your daily workflow easy and secure – Become a part of the Kolab Now family and support the great open-source project. Your contribution is making Kolab Now even better.

Why Kolab Now?

  • Your data is owned by YOU. No data-broker get access to your data
    Your data is not being sold or used for statistical analysis in any way.
  • No proprietary components on our systems. Everything we do is Open Source (FOSS) and open standards
    As a Kolab Now user you are not affected by vendor lock-in
  • The roadmap of kolab Now is laid out by the team.
    No venture capital investments.

The Kolab Now account

A Kolab Now account is offering different subscriptions according to personal needs: One can choose to just use email or to have the complete email & groupware suite, to use an own domain or to go with a domain from the Kolab Now selection, new users can be added on the go.

Kolab Now is ideal for families, groups or small business.

You might ask yourself now if you are not an organization, a group, an NGO, or a company, why would I need my own domain? Here are a few reasons that speak for it:

  • Create your own identity in cyberspace
  • Your very own representation that people can easily remember and recognize

What is the price?

Nothing is for free on this planet, but hey – at least you are doing the right thing! Please find our prices here. We do offer all new customers a trial phase of 4 weeks (naturally free of charge) to test and feel the product. In the last years we improved our payment system according to user feedback,  and our users love it, as it gives users more control and flexibility when it comes to one time or automatic payments. A more detailed description is available in this article.

What do I need?

The creation of a Kolab Now account is very straight-forward. If you want to use your private domain that needs a bit of preparation (the private domain needs to be verified and DNS settings need to be set). But no worries – here is your guide to sign-up a new Kolab Now account.

To setup different Desktop clients or your mobile phone please search our knowledge base for guidelines to do so.

Good to know: Kolab Now supports Open Standards, which makes it possible to connect any standard client; Desktop, Mobile, or otherwise.

How do I contact support?

Over the last years we created a large knowledge base where new and existing users are able to find answers to (almost all :)) questions. In case you are missing something just get in touch. Our technical support team is made up of real humans that assist you personally in case of troubles. Of course support is included in your subscription.
